I’m a sociologist with research interests spanning political, economic, and environmental sociology, social theory and science and technology studies. Currently I’m Distinguished Fellow at the Max Weber Centre in Erfurt and member of the research council of the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt.
I studied Social Sciences and Philosophy at the Goethe University Frankfurt and the New School for Social Research, New York and graduated in Frankfurt in 2010 where I also completed my PhD (2017) and worked as a research associate in the sociology department (2011-2018). After my time in Frankfurt I transitioned to the Justus-Liebig University Gießen, Institute for Sociology (2018-2024). I have been a fellow at the Max-Weber-Center, Erfurt in 2018 and a visiting scholar at the New School (2018) and the London School of Economics (2022) and a Member at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, School of Social Science (2022-203). My work has been funded/awarded by the Heinrich-Böll Foundation, the German National Academic Foundation, the Volkswagen Foundation, the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation, the German Research Foundation (DFG), and the European Commission. I have published a monograph and numerous articles in journals such as Theory, Culture & Society, EPD: Society and Space, Economy and Society, European Journal of Social Theory, Security Dialogue, Social Studies of Science, and Sociological Review.
My work investigates the bio- and technopolitics of contemporary societies from a perspective that combines the analytical sensibilities of STS with approaches in (critical) social theory. I have worked on topics such as disaster preparedness and critical infrastructure protection, the energy transition, and symbio-socialities. I’m currently PI of a DFG-funded research project on stranded assets and climate risks in finance. The project looks at the “pipelines” between fossil and financial capital and analyses attempts to govern financial risks associated with decarbonization. In addition, I’m writing a (second) book on the rise, fall, and afterlives of what I call Fossil Modernity.
Research Interests
Political Sociology (governmentality, biopolitics, security); Economic Sociology (risk, finance, neoliberalism); Environmental Sociology (climate, energy, Anthropocene)
Social Theory
Sociological theory, political theory, poststructuralism, actor-network-theory, (new) materialisms, critical theories, systems theory
Infrastructure, life sciences and biotechnology, social studies of finance / valuation / accounting
Dr. Andreas Folkers
Justus Liebig Universität
Karl-Glöckner-Str. 21E
35394 Gießen
Haus E, Raum 216
Phone: +49 (0) 641 99 23303
e-mail: A.Folkers@em.uni-frankfurt.de